I call this one - Field of Wieners.

Do you like the black and white? Or the Color version better? I wanted to change the f/stop to get Cooper in focus too - but as fast as I thought about doing that, they jumped out of the frame!
f/5.6 1/250ss 100ISO. I had it on AV mode accidentally and it was really bright outside, so I couldn't "chimp" the screen... lol So the ss was way too fast and the pic was actually super dark. I upped the exposure in CS2 about 2 1/2 stops.
For me, definitely the color because it is so vibrant!
Nicely done!
aaawww....I love wieners. We have 3 minis (cocktail wieners) and they are the most loving little buggars. Great photos. Glad I found your blog.
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