Friday, March 30, 2007

March 30th

I call this one - Field of Wieners.

Do you like the black and white? Or the Color version better? I wanted to change the f/stop to get Cooper in focus too - but as fast as I thought about doing that, they jumped out of the frame!
f/5.6 1/250ss 100ISO. I had it on AV mode accidentally and it was really bright outside, so I couldn't "chimp" the screen... lol So the ss was way too fast and the pic was actually super dark. I upped the exposure in CS2 about 2 1/2 stops.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 18th

Took a little drive down to Eugene to meet with a bride today. I love the new look of the 5th Street Public Market!

Taken in manual with Canon 20D: ISO 100, @ 24mm, F/4.0, 1/200 ss. Ran Midnight Sepia, burned the corners and cloned out a billboard in the background. Any CC is appreciated.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

March 17th {Happy St. Patrick's Day}

Fork in the road.

Friday, March 16, 2007

March 16th

So Corbin has grown out of liking his picture taken :(

March 14th

March 13th

Spent the week in Bandon after getting my wisdom teeth pulled. This is Suzie, my Sams big sister.

March 11th

Signs of Spring everywhere these days!

March 8th

Josh at the Hoof N Holler Thank you Party in Downtown.

March 7th
Got a new lens today! An old 35mm 2.0 Its tricky - but I like it!

OK - So I think I need to change the title of this blog to "Photo- a - Day - Ish" I have been so busy it isn't even funny!! I do take a lot of pictures, almost every day, but remembering to date them and put them up here is where the disconnect lies. So - I wil continue to post as the mood strikes. :)

March 3rd
This is a couple blocks down from my house. Why do they have a scale model of an X Wing fighter in their front yard? I have no idea - but I am glad it isn't in my yard!!